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Keeping in Touch Makes the Difference

Everyone is busy. You’re busy, your customers are busy. It’s understandable that having consistent communication with your customers isn’t always easy, but it should be a priority.

Help Scout reports there’s a 60%-70% probability of selling to an existing customer vs. the 5%-20% probability of selling to a new prospect. Based on those numbers alone, a new business goal for the next year should entail a plan to focus on client retention.

Creating a “Keep in Touch” plan will keep your name top of mind, while showing your customer you’re not just about sales, you’re about them.

In your plan, include different touch points of mailers, emails and phone calls. Printed and digital materials should always include your logo/company name so you’re continually driving awareness. Here are a few examples that might be the right fit for your plan:

  • A relevant check in- if you’re a contractor and a recent storm has hit your area, reach out to your past or current customers making sure they, as well as their property, is safe and sound. Or if you come across a recent article pertaining to something your customer had once asked you about, or something you know they’re interested in, forward the article on.

  • Show results- send a postcard with imagery of a recent project you completed letting them know you’re available to do the same for them. Contact past customers reminding them of your skillset or a new certification you just received.

  • Entertain/inform, then sell- send a newsletter with information your customers need. Balance the selling of your products and services with content that could be useful to them.

  • Surveys- there’s no better way to grow than to hear feedback. Send out a survey that customers can mail back or call them to help gain understanding on their experience with you.

  • Automation- schedule personalized emails triggered by special occasions to help you keep in touch. Holidays and birthdays are the perfect time to reach out “just because”.

Keep your touch points relevant so customers know you value their time. The best way to have a customer ignore you is using phrases like “I’m just checking to see if anything has changed since we last talked” or “if you have time next week let’s chat, let me know”. If there’s no true purpose behind your communication, why will they care?

Remember your current and past customers are your biggest assets for more business. Learn about them, create a relationship, and keep in touch.

Do you need help developing a “Keep In Touch” program? Call us for help!

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