School might look a little different for some right now, but the new year has started! Lexinet offers a wide variety of custom school-related #printed materials. We can create designs based on your school’s mascot, colors or other specific details. Here are different ideas for your school needs:

Yard Signs can be used in a wide variety of ways. Do you have an “outstanding student” award you give out each week? A yard sign is a unique way to announce that award in the student's yard. This would be a great option for those students in remote learning at home. Yard Signs can also be used as informational signs around the school property. We have #vinyl banners available if you're looking for a larger sign.

Programs can be customized to each specific event or sport. We’ve created #sports programs that include season schedules, photos, student names and supporting local businesses. We also create programs for school fundraising events, musicals, plays, district-wide communication, parent/teacher organizations and more. Programs could also be useful for instructional information being sent to students learning at home.

We create and print posters for any need. Classroom posters could be used for fun #quotes, teachers' rules, tips for staying healthy or school information. Team posters are also a popular choice for clubs or #sports. We can create and customize your posters to match your classroom or school themes. Posters are also the perfect option for event announcements, master school schedules and directional signs throughout the school.

Graduation announcements and invitations can be customized with photos, colors and mascots. We also offer matching thank you cards making it easy for you to order all materials at once. To take extra work off your plate, we can address and mail your #graduation announcements for you!
Looking for help with #print materials for school? Let us know at 1-800-767-1577 or send us an email to tlc@lexinetcorporation.com. There’s also a contact form here.